John’s Blog/Newsletter: SEA LEVEL RISE NOW

Retreat to the Florida Mountains

Last weekend, we visited the Florida “mountains.”  Though the high elevations in Florida seem like mere hills compared to real mountains, it’s worth learning about an often-overlooked part of the famous Sunshine State, the high plateau. We stayed in quaint Mount Dora, 184 feet above ...

August 31st, 2020   Category: Sea Level Rise

Is Rising Sea Level An Ocean Issue?

Often, when the topic of rising sea level comes up, people see it as an ocean-issue. That puts it in the broad category of issues like plastics in the ocean, the decline of coral reefs, or overfishing. It’s understandable of course, but opens up the ...

August 24th, 2020   Category: Sea Level Rise

Koni Steffen’s Moving Message from Greenland

Some of you likely heard about Konrad “Koni” Steffen’s tragic death at his research station on the Greenland Ice Sheet last week.  It received global recognition with full feature obituaries including the New York Times and the Washington Post. They described the tragic circumstance and ...

August 17th, 2020   Category: Sea Level Rise

Sea-Level Rising 2 1/2 times Faster

It may seem subtle, but the trending rate of sea-level rise (SLR) is powerful. Looking back over the last century and a half, the rate of sea-level rise has averaged 1.7 mm per year (seven hundredths of an inch) as shown on the green trend ...

August 3rd, 2020   Category: Sea Level Rise

Where in the World is the Water?

Water is the defining feature of this planet and fundamental to life as we know it. Most everyone knows that. Of course my special focus is the rise of sea level, primarily as a result of the ice on land melting. Though familiar with many facts ...

July 27th, 2020   Category: Sea Level Rise

Retreat, Buyouts, and “Moral Hazard”

  The U.S. Government is largely silent about “retreat” from the coastline – or at least does not use that word.  Retreat has powerful connotations, particularly for  property owners. It implies surrender. It carries great economic and political sensitivity. For many coastal communities it poses ...

July 20th, 2020   Category: Sea Level Rise

2 Million Wells Leak Methane, Causing Warming

Natural gas is a popular form of energy and even a topic of conversation related to energy policy and climate change. Methane is the more scientific term, but essentially the same thing as natural gas. Methane in its raw form, before combustion, can have over ...

July 13th, 2020   Category: Sea Level Rise
