President establishes new National Ocean Policy

On July 19 President Obama accepted the long-awaited recommendations of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force and immediately issued an Executive Order establishing a new National Ocean Policy. This is an important milestone that has been applauded by a broad cross section of the oceanographic scientific community as well as most marine conservation organizations.

You can read a good report by Laura Cantral (Joint Ocean Commission Initiative) and Andrew Light (Center for American Progress) about this significant ocean policy event at

If you want to look at the actual Presidential Order, go to

There are many encouraging and positive aspects of this new policy — long overdue. In due course, I will write about select issues in the weeks ahead as it becomes clearer how this will translate into practical benefits for an enlightened ocean policy.

This marks a good day for the Oceans.

By John Englander July 21, 2010 Sea Level Rise