Sea Level Rise Threatens to Eat Away the Everglades – Sun Sentinel

Credit: Sun Sentinel.

Article Synopsis – The Florida Everglades, a 2.5 million acre “River of Grass”, and important ecosystem for numerous plant and animal species, is at risk of disappearing due to reduced freshwater and sea level rise. Through work originally pioneered by Dr. Harold Wanless, “we are learning that a “perfect storm” of sea-level rise, low freshwater flow (because of water management) and saltwater intrusion can cause peat soil to disappear faster than it can accumulate – transforming an affected area to open water, not to mangrove forest. Until we restore the flow of freshwater to Everglades National Park, we are short-circuiting the natural transition to mangroves and possibly increasing South Florida’s future coastal vulnerability”. To read the actual article click here


By Sharon Gray July 5, 2018 Newsletter