Climate Change Is Turning Minor Floods Into A Major Problem – Huffington Post

Ten feet of water flood nearly 20 percent of the neighborhood throughout the city of Minot, N.D., leaving more than 4,000 homes inundated by flooding, June 25. With the Souris River expected to crest, city official scramble to implement a recovery strategy hoping to endure the high water preventing the loss of thousands of homes already damaged by flooding. At eight feet above major flood stage, the water appears to be leveling off.Article Synopsis – According to a new study authored by University of California-Irvine researchers, the impact of minor, localized flooding could prove more destructive over time than major natural disasters like hurricanes. Such flooding can significantly degrade infrastructure like roads and building foundations. It can also impact sewer infrastructure, potentially resulting in serious public health risks. These minor flooding events are also a drain on municipal budgets — due to the resources required to pump water out of streets — and also can force the closure of schools and businesses. Rising sea levels spurred on by climate change are contributing to increased frequency, and an increased cumulative effect, of these storms. To address the problem, coastal cities will need to get proactive with flood control measures. To read the actual article click here.

By Sharon Gray February 27, 2017 Newsletter