James Hanson’s Provocative OpEd in South China Morning Post

No scientist is better identified with climate change than the widely respected NASA scientist Dr. James Hansen. In 1988 he was prominently featured in the public media for his warnings at a televised Congressional hearing. For three decades, he has applied his background in astrophysics to understand and predict the changes in our planet due to the changes in the atmosphere — and the critical level of carbon dioxide.

The level of his voice has become loud and his warnings more dire. His driving motivation is the quality of life that his three grandchildren will experience later this century. This year, he wrote his first book, “Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity.” While a bit hard to digest for the non-scientist, his passion and true concern about the cascading chain of events now underway are very compelling.

A few weeks ago he was in China for some meetings and presentations. He published an OpEd in their prominent English newspaper, The South China Morning Post. It is an articulate compelling overview of the threat, and presents a new thesis on how the Chinese may be the key to solving the problem. “The Price of Change.” Provocative. Worth reading: View/Download the free PDF

By John Englander December 14, 2010 Sea Level Rise