Wildfires, sea level rise, coral bleaching: Climate change is already here – Los Angeles Times

earth on fireArticle Synopsis – On Wednesday, NASA and the NOAA announced 2016 was the hottest year on record. Both agencies linked the record-breaking temperatures to human-caused climate change. While sea level rise will be the most obvious and most devastating effect of climate change, there are other consequences that are already being felt. Over the last 30 years, the West has seen a dramatic increase in wildfires. Last year saw record coral bleaching events, which are caused by increased levels of dissolved carbon dioxide in the oceans. In response to rising temperatures, thousands of plant and animal species have migrated uphill or toward the poles where it’s colder, causing local extinction events in some areas. Rising temperatures could also lead to problems with air and water quality, causing health risks for many. To read the actual article click here.

By Sharon Gray January 19, 2017 Newsletter