What’s The Economic Impact Of Withdrawing From The Paris Climate Accord? Florida Leaders Debate – WLRN

Article Synopsis – After President Trump’s decision last week to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, Florida leaders are debating how the decision will impact the state. The accord is intended to limit carbon emissions that drive up global temperatures, worsening storms and intensifying sea level rise. Although some, including the president and Florida’s governor Rick Scott, argue that the agreement was bad for the economy and would cost U.S. jobs, the accord doesn’t actually specify how a country should cut their carbon emissions. This means it could be done by developing and implementing more renewable energy sources, like solar and wind, which could create jobs and benefit the economy.

My Comment – As I am quoted as saying in this article, climate change presents a tremendous opportunity, both on the mitigation and adaptation fronts. If we take action now to invest in and develop these industries it can mean more jobs, a stronger economy, and energy independence. If we fail to act, as the climate warms without resistance, Greenland and Antarctica will continue to melt, raising sea level faster and faster. What will that mean for Florida’s economy as Florida disappears? To read the actual article click here.


By Sharon Gray June 5, 2017 Newsletter