Study: Coastal NC Officials Not Willing To Prepare For Sea Level Rise – WUNC
Article Synopsis – A new study out of N.C. State and Appalachian State Universities has found that Coastal Carolina officials may not be willing to prepare for climate change until it’s too late. According to researchers, knowledge of the science behind climate change didn’t make officials more willing to prepare their communities for impacts like sea-level rise.
To be fair, this reluctance to truly understand, plan, and adapt to sea level rise is not limited to North Carolina. A lot of coastal communities around the US are getting concerned about the increased flooding. Many are even talking about what to do. But the unprecedented and hugely disruptive prospect of long term sea level rise has most communities in various stages of confusion. Human civilization has never before faced the prospect of unstoppable rising seas. Over the coming few years, I think that will change as the reality of an assault on property values forces responsible planning. To read the actual article click here.