Sinking ships: Icebergs are swarming shipping lanes in the Arctic – Salon

Article Synopsis – Shipping companies are now avoiding parts of the North Atlantic, where an unusually large swarm of icebergs is making life miserable for captains on the high seas. There are currently around 450 icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador – well above the average 80 for this time of year. As a result, ships are having to slow down or travel hundreds of miles out of their way to avoid hitting them. Icebergs in the North Atlantic typically come from calving events off of Greenland’s glaciers, which are quickly melting due to rising temperatures. The wild start to iceberg season fits with a pattern of rapid Arctic change that could alter access to the region. To read the actual article click here.

By Sharon Gray April 4, 2017 Newsletter