As seas rise, city mulls a massive sea barrier across Boston Harbor – Boston Globe
Article Synopsis – As rising sea levels pose a growing threat to Boston’s future, city officials are exploring the feasibility of building a vast sea barrier from Hull to Deer Island, forming a protective arc around Boston Harbor. With forecasts indicating that Boston could experience routine flooding in the coming decades, threatening some 90,000 residents and $80 billion worth of real estate, city officials say it would be foolish not to consider aggressive action, no matter how daunting. Similar barriers already exist, or are being built, off the coasts of New Orleans; Venice; and Rotterdam. A 2013 World Bank report ranked Boston as the eighth most vulnerable major city in the world to property damage from rising seas, among 136 studied. Several different designs are being considered which range in price from the low billions to tens of billions. However, as official are starting to realize, the cost of not preparing their cities for sea level rise are much, much greater. To read the actual article click here.