SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN “Storm of the Century Every 2 Years”

The latest issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN has a terrific 3 part feature about Sea Level Rise, Storm Surge, and Adaptation. The lead is: “Storm of the Century — Every Two Years”.

Definitely worth buying, either as a magazine or digital download. Some quotes provide a glimpse of the story.

The U.S.’s largest metropolis and the entire east coast could face frequent destruction unless the region takes previously unthinkable actions…”

“By 2100 devastating flooding of the sort that Superstorm Sandy unleashed on New York City could happen every two years all along the valuable and densely populated U.S. east coast — anywhere from Boston to Miami.”

“Sandy was a one in 500 year storm. If sea level rises by five feet, the chance in any year of a storm bringing a three foot surge to New York City will increase to as high as one in three or even one in two, according to various projections. The 100 year height for a storm in the year 2000 would be reached by a two year storm in 2100.”

“As for sea level rise, retreat from low lying shores may be the best option. Despite the gut reaction of “No, we won’t go,” climate forces already in motion may leave few options.”

This is a well done article that is already stirring controversy which is no surprise. The explanation is completely consistent with my book, “High Tide On Main Street: Rising Sea Level and the Coming Coastal Crisis.” Great to have such a well respected magazine, with excellent graphics, to reinforce the message.

By John Englander June 2, 2013 Sea Level Rise