Research Finds Microplastics and Chemicals in ‘Remote’ Antarctic – The Irish News

The expedition used trawl nets to sample for microplastics. Credit: Christian Aslund/Greenpeace/PA.

Article Synopsis – “Tests in the “remote and pristine wilderness” of Antarctica have revealed the presence of tiny pieces of plastic and hazardous chemicals, known as PFAs or PFCs, in water and snow. The findings come after scientists found record amounts of microplastics in Arctic sea ice and a plastic bag was spotted in the deepest part of the ocean, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific ocean. Greenpeace is calling for urgent action to stem the flow of plastic into the world’s seas and curb pollutants at the source, and for a huge Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary to protect the wildlife and habitats found there”. To read the actual article click here

By Sharon Gray June 5, 2018 Newsletter