Rare Ozone Hole Opens Over Arctic — and It’s Big – Nature

Credit: NASA Ozone Watch.

Article Synopsis – Researchers have discovered a hole in the ozone layer above the Arctic that covers “an area about three times the size of Greenland”, which could be a new record. Ozone holes are caused by cold temperatures that allow clouds filled with industrial chemicals high in the atmosphere where the chemicals eat away at the ozone layer. This particular hole doesn’t “threaten people’s health, and will probably break apart in the coming weeks”. To read the actual article click here

Record-low ozone levels currently stretch across much of the central Arctic, covering an area about three times the size of Greenland. The hole doesn’t threaten people’s health, and will probably break apart in the coming weeks. record breaking. for the first time. industrial chemicals in clouds combined with cold temperatures eat away at the ozone layer.

By Sharon Gray March 25, 2020 Newsletter