Prominent Climate Skeptic Lomborg Calls for Carbon Tax

Bjorn Lomborg has been one of the most articulate contrarians about the need to combat carbon emissions. The Danish economist uses rigorous objective methods to evaluate world crises and solutions. Although he has acknowledged the climate change problem in recent years, he remained steadfast that it did not justify spending money on a solution, compared to other problems.  

He is widely published with his own books, as well as in Op Ed’s in the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and elsewhere.  His arguments have been articulate, and very frustrating for those of us who feel that the changing climate warrants the highest priority in reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to avert climate catastrophe.

Today, a stunning article in the UK Guardian, states that he has now changed his position and calls for a carbon tax, and states that $100 billion a year should be spent on reducing carbon emissions. This is huge!

His intellect and persuasiveness were never in doubt. It was very frustrating that he was so opposed to tackling this issue. It is very gratifying to have him join the chorus for strong measures to get us off of coal and other major sources of carbon dioxide emissions.

See the story:

By John Englander August 31, 2010 Sea Level Rise