Penguins starving to death is a sign that something’s very wrong in the Antarctic – The Guardian

Article SynopsisThe horrific news that all but two penguin chicks have starved to death out of a colony of almost 40,000 birds is a grim illustration of the enormous pressure Antarctic wildlife is under. This “catastrophic breeding event” is the second time in just four years that such devastation – not previously seen in more than 50 years of observation – has been wrought on the Adélie penguin population. The finding has prompted urgent calls for the establishment of a marine protected area in East Antarctica. Over the next year we have the opportunity to create an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary – the largest protected area on Earth – which would put the waters off-limits to the industrial fishing vessels currently sucking up the tiny shrimp-like krill, on which all Antarctic life relies.  Our fate and the fate of our oceans are intimately connected. Creating the world’s largest ever protected area, in the Antarctic Ocean, would be a signal that corporate lobbying and national interests are no match for a unified global call for our political leaders to protect what belongs to us all. To read the actual article click here.


By Sharon Gray October 14, 2017 Newsletter