New Poll: Americans Alarmed by Global Warming Triples
The latest annual poll by Yale and George Mason Universities on public attitude about global warming has taken a dramatic turn upwards. As shown in the bubble graph above, 31% now identify as “Alarmed” compared to just 11% five years ago – that’s essentially TRIPLING. Combined with the 26% identifying as “Concerned”, a majority of Americans now realize the threat of climate change. In comparison, at the other end of the spectrum, the categories of “doubtful” and “dismissive” have both decreased since 2014.
Climate change, aka Global Warming has long been an emotional topic but usually ranks far below the traditional hot topics of the economy, health care, social security, foreign policy / war, and immigration. It will be interesting to see how this new heating up of climate concern among Americans translates into the campaign and election for the Presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.
Those that are concerned about the warming planet would do well to tell those running for office that climate change is among their top priorities.
For more fascinating insights, check out the report “Climate Change in the American Mind”