My Royal Institution Video Goes Viral

A few months ago, I was privileged to be invited to give a lecture at the legendary Royal Institution in London. On Thursday the video was posted online and to my surprise has been going viral with over 60,000 views in less than five days. [Update: 220k views in first ten weeks.] The feedback I have received from viewers has been overwhelming positive. (Even reading some of the “dislikes” is worthwhile insight into the minds of those who deny human impact on climate.)
So even though I normally don’t promote my previous presentations to my blog readers, I want to make an exception for this one. In this presentation I was able to clearly explain the science and why sea level rise is now unstoppable.
But perhaps the reason I am comfortable recommending it is that it ends with a positive message about what the average person can do and the pragmatic reality that the sooner we face up to the challenge of the rising tide, the better. Rising sea level is the ultimate glass half-empty and glass half-full.
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