Must See Colbert Report on Sea Level Rise and Climate Change
Last night I got to my hotel — the quaint Emerson Inn by the Sea — in Rockport, Mass, after a dinner meeting in nearby Gloucester. I was tired but clicked the TV on. Jon Stewart’s Daily Show turned into the Colbert Report. I don’t get to watch it very often, and was fading off to sleep. But his opening segment “The Word — Sink or Swim” was on climate change — in fact Sea Level Rise. My fatigue disappeared.
He was absolutely BRILLIANT. He totally skewers the recent efforts by neighboring North Carolina to deal with that “nuisance issue “of rising tides and sea level. Needs no explanation from me. It is VERY funny — humor, and a pointed message at its best.
Please, please watch this, and share this with others; just 5 minutes:
I should mention that with my book about sea level rise, HIGH TIDE ON MAIN STREET – Rising Sea Level and the Coming Coastal Crisis is finally due for release in the next few months, I am trying to increase the exposure. Getting people to this blog site is part of that. If you can share it with friends or colleagues via the button to the right, I would really appreciate it. If you will sign up for notice of the alerts — only once or twice a week you will receive future notice. To see a page about the book, click on the NEW BOOK tab at the top.
Thank you,
Link to video:—sink-or-swim
Link to transcript of the Colbert piece — may even be better than video: