Miles of Ice Collapsing Into the Sea – The New York Times

Article Synopsis – Four New York Times journalists joined a Columbia University team in Antarctica late last year to fly across the world’s largest chunk of floating ice. Alarmed by the warning signs that parts of the West Antarctic ice sheet are becoming unstable, American and British scientific agencies are joining forces to get better measurements in the main trouble spots. The effort might not produce clearer answers about the fate of the ice until the early 2020s. Scientists have no doubt that large parts of Antarctica will melt into the sea, but they do not know exactly what the trigger temperature might be, or whether the recent acceleration of the ice means that Earth has already reached it. Antarctica’s collapse has the potential to inundate coastal cities across the globe. If the rise turns out to be as rapid as the worst-case projections, it could lead to a catastrophe without parallel in the history of civilization.
My Comment – This is a well written and researched three part series with absolutely stunning visuals. Well worth the read. To read the actual article click here.

By Sharon Gray May 20, 2017 Newsletter