Kremlin Security Council Web Post re climate change AMAZING

The Kremlin has a website and blog that you have to look at. I stumbled upon it yesterday as part of my routine monitoring regarding climate change — it has no ocean connection, I must point out. Yet, the post by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev about the devastating heat wave and extraordinary fires sweeping the country is fascinating for two reasons.

First, he associates the heat and fires with climate change. That by itself is notable as Russia has been one of the more recalcitrant nations on the issue of climate change. To quote from the Kremlin web site explaining the August 4th meeting of their Security Council:

“Everyone is talking about climate change now. Unfortunately, what is happening now in our central regions is evidence of this global climate change, because we have never in our history faced such weather conditions in the past. This means that we need to change the way we work, change the methods that we used in the past.”

But most fascinating is that this is the Russian President with a web site and blog about his security council meeting, that is clean, articulate, and offers options to follow him on Twitter, Facebook, or to sign up for email notifications.

To anyone old enough to recall the “”Cold War” this is simply hard to believe. Barack Obama’s White House has a decent online PR effort, as did George Bush. Yet I think the Kremlin now has raised the bar. If there was any question how much the world has changed in terms of geo-politics and transparency — that is yesterday’s question.

Please go to and see for yourself. This is world sharing. I have shown it to 10 people in the last day. All agree it is STUNNING.

By John Englander August 8, 2010 Sea Level Rise