Is South Florida Doomed By Sea-Level Rise? Experts Say No. In Fact, They’re Optimistic – WLRN

Article Synopsis – In South Florida, taking steps to adapt to rising seas now by redesigning communities, reducing carbon emissions, and developing new technologies can lead to long-term solutions — and maybe even economic growth. South Florida could even have an edge in the global economy if it develops and exports its technology, architecture and planning expertise to other communities worldwide.

My Comment – Since I am quoted a number of times in this piece, a number of people have asked me if I am “optimistic” about South Florida flooding as the headline suggests. In all honesty, I have to say no. “Optimism” is not the word I use. I do have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE. We need to confront reality and make the best of it. In the case of rising sea level, we do have a few decades to design communities that can have a future as sea level rises. But as I said in this story, it will take vision, leadership, and great commitment. Rather than OPTIMISM, I prefer being POSITIVE and REALISTIC. To read the actual article click here

By Sharon Gray March 26, 2018 Newsletter