Expected Sea-Level Rise Following Antarctic Ice Shelves’ Collapse – ScienceDaily
Credit: British Antarctic Survey.
Article Synopsis – Scientists looking at how much the Larsen C and George VI ice shelves in Antarctica would contribute to sea level rise if they collapsed found that the smaller, less talked about George VI ice shelf would raise sea levels significantly more than Larsen C. “The collapse of Larsen C would result in inland ice discharging about 4 mm (.4 cm) to sea level, while the response of glaciers to George VI collapse could contribute over five times more to global sea levels, around 22 mm (2.2 cm). Although George VI Ice Shelf is around half the size of Larsen C, it would contribute far more to sea-level rise because it is fed by larger glaciers and is very effective at holding back the ice that drains into it from these glaciers”. To read the actual article click here.