Even in Best-Case Emission Scenarios, Sea Levels May Still Rise Until 2300 – Phy Org

Article Synopsis – Researchers examined how future sea levels would be affected if the 2015 Paris Agreement’s goals were met and found that seas will continue rising until 2300 under even the best scenarios. Depending on how soon we begin reducing emissions this century, we can expect sea levels to rise between 0.7 and 1.2 m by 2300 if we maintain net-zero Greenhouse Gas emissions until then. If only CO2 emissions are balanced in the same timeframe, the expected sea level rise is 1.1 to 1.6 m, and each 5-year delay in reaching global peak emissions leads to an extra 20 cm in sea level rise by 2300. To read the actual article click here

By Sharon Gray March 24, 2018 Newsletter