Domino-Effect of Climate Events Could Move Earth into a ‘Hothouse’ State – The Guardian

Credit: Paul Goldstein/Cover Images.
Article Synopsis – “A domino-like cascade of melting ice, warming seas, shifting currents and dying forests could tilt the Earth into a “hothouse” state beyond which human efforts to reduce emissions will be increasingly futile, a group of leading climate scientists has warned.” In the study, the scientists combined the consequences of 10 climate change processes to “assess whether warming can be halted or whether it will tip towards a “hothouse” world that is 4C warmer than pre-industrial times and far less supportive of human life”. They warn that the hothouse trajectory “would almost certainly flood deltaic environments, increase the risk of damage from coastal storms, and eliminate coral reefs (and all of the benefits that they provide for societies) by the end of this century or earlier.” To read the actual article click here.