Del Mar Considers Unpopular ‘Planned Retreat’ Strategy Due to Rising Sea Level – Los Angeles Times

Credit: K.C. Alfred/San Diego Union Tribune
Article Synopsis – “The California Coastal Commission requires all coastal cities to have a sea-rise adaptation plan, and to include planned retreat as part of their strategy”, but some residents in Del Mar have strong objections to considering planned retreat as a future option. These residents feel that mentioning planned retreat in planning documents will cause property values to plummet and the state should be responsible for reimbursing them for the money they will lose.
My Comment – While it is difficult to talk about the possibility of having to move cities and communities, the reality of sea level rise is that in some places retreat will become the only option. It is unreasonable to think that the government would be able to reimburse everyone for their losses should this happen. This is why individuals and communities need to plan now. To read the actual article click here.