Changing Sea Levels Have a Disturbing Effect on Sleeping Volcanoes, Says Study – Science Alert

Article Synopsis – A monumental drying out that took place more than 5 million years ago caused the Mediterranean Sea to literally evaporate – and scientists now think this could have inadvertently spurred an excess of volcanic activity in the region. With so much less water occupying the Mediterranean basin, the pressure on the surrounding land would have significantly decreased causing the Earth’s crust to flex. When shifts caused by changes in temperature make the Earth’s crust bend magma can end up being squeezed out of the chambers it’s contained in. During this episode there were 13 volcanic eruptions, more than twice the average activity that would be expected in the region during the time period. Yet another salient reminder that we humans should never underestimate the sweeping, unforeseen effects of changes in our climate. To read the actual article click here.


By Sharon Gray October 5, 2017 Newsletter