John’s Blog/Newsletter: SEA LEVEL RISE NOW

Is CO2 Pollution? Not really, but…

Most people now understand that to stop global warming from getting worse that we have to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, better known as CO2. It is one of the dominant greenhouse gases (GHG) that are warming the planet, changing weather patterns, melting the ice ...

August 20th, 2017   Category: Sea Level Rise

Why Sea Level Projections are Misleading

With the increased flooding at extreme high tides and awareness of accelerated melting in the polar regions, concern about sea level is rapidly rising too. Projections for the end of this century can be technical and confusing, now ranging from two feet to as much ...

August 6th, 2017   Category: Sea Level Rise

Beach Erosion or Rising Sea Level?

Beach erosion is a huge problem worldwide, costing hundreds of millions of dollars for restoration projects each year. Increasingly, rising sea level is blamed, though this is mostly wrong. In the coming decades however, rising seas will make erosion even worse.  It is important to ...

July 31st, 2017   Category: Sea Level Rise

Deadly Flash Floods On The Rise…Arizona to Cornwall

Deadly flash floods in Arizona and Cornwall (U.K.) last week illustrated the increasing problem of flooding from rainfall and runoff, two somewhat different problems. Though we tend to pool all “flooding” as if it were one problem, recognizing the four traditional forms, with the relatively new problem ...

July 23rd, 2017   Category: Sea Level Rise

Giant New Iceberg: Big Deal or Small Stuff?

“It’s a Boy.” The big news from Antarctica last Wednesday, was that Iceberg A68 was calved by the Larsen C ice shelf. The location on the Antarctic peninsula is shown on the map above with a yellow arrow.There has been a lot of confusion reported ...

July 15th, 2017   Category: Sea Level Rise

Hansen’s granddaughter sues for life, liberty, and….

Sophie Kivlehan and twenty other young leaders are suing the Federal government, arguing that their rights to “life, liberty, and property”  are being compromised by human-caused climate change. She explains her stance in a recent OpEd in Pennsylvania’s The Morning Call. “Why I Sued the Federal ...

July 2nd, 2017   Category: Sea Level Rise

Tsunami Caused by Greenland Landslide

Two weeks ago while I was in Copenhagen, I met with the head of the Joint Arctic Command, Major General Kim Jørgensen, who is responsible for all military and Coast Guard forces for Greenland (and the Faroe Islands). Neither of us could have imagined that ...

June 25th, 2017   Category: Sea Level Rise
