New US Study Reveals Natural Solutions can Reduce Global Warming – EurekAlert

Credit: The Nature Conservancy.

Article Synopsis – A new study has found that natural solutions, like utilizing more land for forests, grasslands, and wetlands, have the ability to cut 21% of the yearly greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. That is the equivalent to emissions from all US vehicles. “Joe Fargione, Director of Science for The Nature Conservancy, was the study’s lead author: “One of America’s greatest assets is its land. Through changes in management, along with protecting and restoring natural lands, we demonstrated we could reduce carbon pollution and filter water, enhance fish and wildlife habitat, and have better soil health to grow our food — all at the same time. Nature offers us a simple, cost-effective way to help fight global warming. In combination with transitioning to zero carbon energy production, natural climate solutions can help protect our climate for future generations.” To read the actual article click here

By Sharon Gray November 14, 2018 Newsletter