California Faces a Cascade of Catastrophes as Sea Level Rises – Los Angeles Times

Article Synopsis – Between a third and two-thirds⁠ of Southern California beaches will succumb to sea-level rise by the end of this century unless global fossil fuel emissions are dramatically reined in, according to a 2017 U.S. Geological Survey report⁠. As the beaches recede, California will lose a crucial economic driver. Threatened infrastructure includes the nation’s two busiest ports, Los Angeles and Long Beach, as well as the Port of Oakland; the San Francisco and Oakland airports; 3,500 miles of roads; 280 miles of railways; 30 power plants; 28 waste treatment plants; vast wetlands; and, perhaps most distressing, 330 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-regulated Superfund and other hazardous waste sites. To read the actual article click here

By Sharon Gray January 23, 2018 Newsletter