Mainland Miami ponders returning neighborhoods to nature in order to survive rising seas – Miami Herald

Article Synopsis – In Miami, where tidal flooding is becoming a monthly problem, officials are looking for more creative solutions to the challenges posed by sea level rise. The pumps and drains that have been installed in some areas create environmental hazards and cannot handle the flooding occurring in these neighborhoods. One proposal that has been made is to slowly purchase and demolish properties in areas that repeatedly flood and return them back into a marshes or parks that can hold the water during high tides and heavy rains. The suggestion has been controversial and met with resistance from some property owners.
My Comment – Adaptation to sea level rise will need to come in many forms. A solution in one area will not necessarily work in another. And, inevitably, some areas will need to be abandoned. It is great to see government officials looking at novel approaches for dealing with what will no doubt be the monumental challenge of rising sea levels. To read the actual article click here.

By Sharon Gray June 9, 2017 Newsletter