Warm Arctic Fuels Second-Warmest April on Record – Climate Central

Article Synopsis – An unusually warm Arctic spring fueled the second-hottest April on record globally, with global warming and unusual weather conspiring to shrink sea ice and push up polar temperatures. The average Arctic temperature last year was 6.3°F (3.5°C) higher than in 1900. Temperatures were also well above average in the Eastern U.S., China and across Africa. Only a few patches of the globe were cooler. Data released by NASA shows temperatures were 1.5°F (0.9°C) warmer worldwide than the 1950 to 1980 average. The Arctic warmth has been linked to record low levels of sea ice and to the variability of weather, including northward-moving storms that have brought heat with them. To read the actual article click here.

By Sharon Gray May 15, 2017 Newsletter