As sea level rises, much of Honolulu and Waikiki vulnerable to groundwater inundation – Phys Org

Article Synopsis – New research reveals a large part of the heavily urbanized area of Honolulu and Waikiki, Hawaii is at risk of groundwater inundation—flooding that occurs as groundwater is lifted above the ground surface due to sea level rise. This flooding will threaten $5 billion of real estate; flood nearly 30 miles of roadway; and impact pedestrians, commercial and recreation activities, tourism, transportation, and infrastructure. The flooding will occur regardless of seawall construction, and thus will require innovative planning and intensive engineering efforts to accommodate standing water in the streets. The researchers also discovered 86% of active cesspools in the study area are likely currently inundated by groundwater.This presents a serious health concern that will become progressively more serious as contaminated waters begin breaching the ground surface. To read the actual article click here.

By Sharon Gray March 28, 2017 Newsletter