Climate Change & Sea Level Rise Could Deliver Regular Flooding To Europe – Clean Technica

Article Synopsis – The kind of devastating flooding that occurs once every century along Europe’s northern coastline could become an annual event if greenhouse gas emissions continue to climb, according to a new study. New analysis takes into account changes in sea-level rise, tides, waves and storm surge over the 21st century and found that climate change could prompt extreme sea levels — the maximum levels seen during major storms, which produce massive flooding — to increase significantly along the European coastline by 2100. Unless we take different protection measures, five million people will be exposed to coastal flooding on an annual basis. The study didn’t consider the possible collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet. If that happens, then sea-level rise and impacts to coasts could be much higher than in this paper. To read the actual article click here.

By Sharon Gray March 29, 2017 Newsletter