James Hansen – A moment to recognize his leadership

Dr. James E. Hansen announced his retirement today from NASA. Justin Gillis wrote a superb article in today’s New York Times. Worth a read.

Hansen may truly be the most incredible scientist of our era. He saw patterns others did not. He had the intellect to process new concepts. His ego did not get carried away.

The only criticism was that he was too outspoken for a scientist; protocol said scientists should not get involved in political debate, getting arrested in front of the White House, and speaking the truth as he sees it.

I think Hansen did the gutsy thing, even if it meant breaking with his fellow scientists on that. He is driven by doing what he can so that his grandchildren will have a livable future. I know this first hand from talking to him.

Photo: NASA Scientist Dr. James E Hansen with author John Englander in February 2012 in Vancouver at the AAAS meeting, discussing possible ways to get action on climate change.

I think he will be known as one of the best, brightest, and bravest humans ever. My thoughts about Jim were made clear in the Acknowledgements of my book, High Tide On Main Street, where I wrote:

In particular I have to thank Dr. James Hansen. Amazingly, he finds time to advance the frontiers of climate physics, to be a passionate globe-trotting spokesman on the issue, and also to respond to my rather trivial questions. He is the definition of a hero for this planet.

May he get a well-deserved rest, and then be free to help lead us all in the battle of the century, or perhaps the battle to save life on Earth as we know it.

By John Englander April 2, 2013 Sea Level Rise